We Know Our Chilis

We’re always on the hunt for the world’s most delicious chilis so we can create insanely delicious, craveable recipes for you.

Become a chili expert

Fresh Peppers

The Habanero Chili

With a distinct lantern-like shape and bright
orange hue, the Habanero chili pepper delivers a fiery spiciness and unique fruity flavor profile, including notes like citrus and apricot.

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The Serrano Chili

Small but fiery, the Serrano chili pepper hails from the mountainous regions of Puebla and Hidalgo, Mexico. Prized for its robust flavor, the Serrano is a mainstay in Mexican cuisine.

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The Jalapeño Chili

A darling for its balanced heat and zesty essence, the Jalapeño chili pepper is named after the Mexican city of Jalapa. The Jalapeño’s adaptability has led to worldwide popularity in a diverse array of cuisines.

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Dried Peppers

The Chipotle Chili

Meet the Chipotle chili pepper. This pepper was once a Jalapeño that has been dried, smoked, and transformed into the mighty delicious Chipotle chili pepper.

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The Árbol Chili

Árbol chili peppers are long and slender, maintaining their vibrant red color when dried. With notes of sweetness, nuttiness, the Árbol delivers a flavorful heat that lingers.

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The Morita Chili

Say hello to the Morita chili pepper, a small, dark red chili pepper with a rich history beginning with the indigenous people of Mexico. The Morita is intensely flavorful with a deep smoky flavor.

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The History of Chilis

5000 BCE - 3500BCE

The Begining of the chili pepper

The earliest known cultivation of chili peppers is believed to have occurred in the region that is now Mexico and Central America. Archaeological evidence suggests that wild chili peppers were being harvested for consumption.
3000 BCE

People begin to love the spice

Chili peppers become a staple in the diets of ancient civilizations such as the Aztecs and Maya, valued for their flavor and medicinal properties.

Chilis are shared with the world

Following Christopher Columbus’s voyages, chili peppers are brought back to Europe from the Americas. They are initially regarded as exotic spices.

And so the chili craze begins...

Chili peppers spread to Asia, Africa, and the rest of Europe through trade routes, adapting to various cuisines. They become particularly popular in countries like India, Thailand, and Hungary.

New Chili Varieties are explored

Varieties of chili peppers are cultivated for their unique flavors and heat levels, leading to a greater diversity of peppers, including the jalapeño, cayenne, and bell pepper.
1800's - 1900's

Chilis are produced on a Mass scale

Chili peppers begin to be cultivated on a larger scale for commercial purposes, especially in the United States and Mexico. As well as the emergence of hot sauce sauch as Tabasaco makes it’s debut.

The love for chilis has gone world wide

Chili peppers have gained global phenomen, with interest in ghost peppers, habaneros, and Carolina reapers, leading to challenges and competitions centered around heat tolerance. We dare you to try Don Chilio’s Habanero Chili Crisps!
Present Day

Don Chilio Makes it's Debut

Diego & Mauricio have known the love of chilis for quite some time, which is why in 2016 they started Don Chilio to share it will all of you.
All of our salsa machas and chili crisps are

Made with 100% Olive Oil

Which not only tastes better,
it's better for you